Understanding NeuralODE

Motivation This blog post is my note taken when studying Neural Oridinary Differential Equation (NeuralODE), which was proposed in Neural Ordinary Differential Equations. The goal of this note is to understand the formulation, some mathematical derivations, and some techincal difficulties encounter when implementing NeuralODE in JAX. The entire learning process is quite fascinating and introduced me to some new mathematical concepts such as Euler-Lagrange equation, Continuous Lagrangian Multiplier. NeuralODE is a important entry point to Physics Informed Machine Learning and I struggled for quite sometime to understand....

November 13, 2024 · 6 min · 1155 words · Tu T. Do

Numerical Integrations

todo Derivation of second and forth order Runge-Kutta methods Comparison of truncation error with different step-size Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Initial Value Problem A differential equation is differential equation is a relationship between function \(f(x)\), its independent variable \(x\), and any number of its derivative. An ODE is a differential equation where the independent variable and its derivatives are in one dimension. $$ \begin{equation} F(x, f(x), f^{(1)}(x), f^{(2)}, \cdots f^{(n-1)}(x)) = f^{(n)}(x) \end{equation} $$...

September 26, 2024 · 7 min · 1457 words · Tu T. Do